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Company Information • Q. Do I need a US Taxpayer ID before completing the paperwork?A.

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You will need to complete all required information before we can fully set you up in Steamworks. If you are requesting an ITIN or EIN for the purposes of tax withholding, please wait until you have the necessary ID in hand before completing the digital paperwork. Should I form a corporation?A. That is entirely up to you. Many other developers have found it to be beneficial to form a legal entity such as a corporation, but it depends on you and your situation.

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If in doubt, you may want to hire a lawyer to get proper legal advice on the benefits and costs of forming a legal entity. If you do plan to form a legal entity, you will need to do so before proceeding through the digital paperwork. Can I use special characters unique to my local language in completing the paperwork?A. No, do not use special characters that are unique to a language other than English.

Can I complete the paperwork as a partnership?A. If you have a partnership registered in the United States or if your partnership exists outside the US and the partnership is taxed at the partnership level, then yes. However, if your partnership exists outside the US, and the partnership is taxed at the individual partner(s) versus the partnership level, then no. Due to the complexity of obtaining proper tax documentation, we cannot support such non-US partnerships as a legal entity within Steamworks. Can I enter an alias/nickname when I onboard?A.

You must enter your legal first and last name when onboarding. Do not enter an alias or nickname during the onboarding process. What should I enter as my Company’s Legal Name?A. The name you enter must be the legal entity that owns or has rights to publish the game, and is the legal entity that will be signing the Steam Distribution Agreement. The company name you enter here must match the name as written on official documents with your bank and on United States IRS tax documents or foreign tax documents, if applicable. Version What should I enter as my Company’s Legal Name if I’m a sole proprietor?A. Do not enter your Doing Business As (“DBA”) or “friendly name” or alias/nickname.

Please enter your full legal name. The name you enter here must match the name as written on official documents with your bank and on United States IRS tax documents or foreign tax documents, if applicable. Where do I change my address?A. You can change your address by clicking on the ‘View and edit company information’ from the Steamworks home page.

This link is located under Tools + Links in the righthand column/frame of the page. Please contact the user who has Actual Authority rights for your organization on Steamworks (this is usually the person who completed the initial paperwork with Valve). Please note if you are changing your country of residence, you will be required to go through the tax interview again to establish your new rate of withholding tax based on your new circumstances. I changed my legal name (and banking and tax information). How do I make this change on Steamworks?A. We will have you re-onboard and create a new partner account in your new name.

This will result in entering banking and tax in the new name as well. Once this is complete, we will have to send documents terminating the old company’s rights to the IP and move the games over from the old to the new company. Please use this form to contact us and provide us with the Steam account name that you wish to complete the digital paperwork. Are there certain countries/regions, entities or individuals Valve cannot do business with?A. The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on US foreign policy and national security goals against targeted foreign countries and regimes, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and other threats to the national security, foreign policy or economy of the United States.