Babriniya Slyozi Tekst
Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! The playlist does not exist. Zebre I Bizoni This song is by Galija and appears on the album Daleko Je Sunce (1988). Zebre I Bizoni This song is by Galija and appears on the album Daleko Je Sunce (1988). Galija:Zebre I Bizoni Lyrics. VisualEditor History Talk (0) Share. Zebre I Bizoni.
Pogledam u tebe sve mi mirise na kraj led s tvojih hladnih ruku na kozi osecam Nije mi zao, ja u sebi ponavljam zastava bela za bol sto osecam ne znam, ne mogu vise ni da se pretvaram niz obraze kapi odlaze ne gledaj me trag od soli jos me boli Ref. Ne zelim mir, ne zelim nadu bez tebe ni srecan kraj, ni svet u zlatu bez tebe necu da disem da se budim bez tebe ja u moru pelina Ne zelim lek, ne zelim nadu bez tebe i miran san, ni svet u zlatu bez tebe necu da disem da se budim bez tebe ja u moru pelina Nestaje tlo tu pod mojim nogama ali ipak stojim moja zadnja odbrana dok ceo svet s tobom nestaje ne gledaj me trag od soli jos me boli Ref.
INTENSIVE RESEARCH UNEARTHS A POTENTIAL SOLUTION With a team of friends and trusted advisors, they begin exploring the core problems of the transition process, seeking causal reasons for why many Veterans face challenges in finding jobs after leaving the military. Veter peremen noti noticias. Daniel & Diana realize they need backup to solve such a massive challenge. They launch a 2-week project to work together via Skype calls to mentor 6 of their friends and former Marines into meaningful careers. They speak with thought leaders in recruiting, workforce development, and even match-making. In the process, they learn that transitioning is not just a challenge for their friends, but also for 1.5 million veterans coming home after 9/11.
Majko, odvedi me, odvedi me U maju na Brione Majko, odvedi me, da vidim Zebre i bizone Majko, odvedi me, odvedi me U maju na Brione Majko, odvedi me, da vidim Sobe i salone Brioni, to su puni pansioni To su sobe i saloni To su mali avioni Majko, odvedi me, odvedi me U maju na Brione Majko, odvedi me, da vidim Zebre i bizone Majko, odvedi me, odvedi me U maju na Brione Majko, odvedi me, da vidim Bivše šampione Brioni, to su puni pansioni To su sobe i saloni To su mali avioni Brioni, to su puni pansioni To su sobe i saloni To su mali avioni Brioni, Brioni, Brioni.